Hi everybody!
Yesterday I read about Flixel, an ActionScript 3 framework for simplifying game creation.
Today I got everything downloaded and working, including FlashDevelop, Flex SDK, and the Flixel source, gave a look at the docs, tried out some simple hello-world-thingy and got it pretty much; it looks easy and simple, many useful functions are already scripted for simple recalling of many actions that are at the base of any game, from standard key pressions, to timers, sprites, particles emitters, and audio control. So, my first review is that this Flixel thingy is pretty neat, I think everybody here should give it a look and try to do something pretty :)
And btw Tom Fulp said that there's a Flixel game contest goin on till July 5th, so that's something that should keep more people occupied on this framework ;)
- Mick -